ZuZu (they/she) is a cartoonist & zinester. Currently, they’re working on the webcomic Playlists for Possessed Dolls and Depressed Smokers in an ongoing quest to make the least-relatable series in existence.
She’s also responsible for the mini-comics Morning Routine and The Beast with Five Fingers (published by Hellcat Press), as well as They Have Issues, an international anthology from 18 creators working in comic book shops. For the full list of projects, see the Published Work page.
ZuZu tries to help make the world a little better, which according to social media means they’re an “activist.” All that really means is that she distributes several free zines and online resource documents. Social media is the most updated place to find these, but they’re also posted below.
ZuZu currently resides in land belonging to the O’Odham & Piipaash people, A.K.A. Tempe, Arizona.